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Key Freedom of Expression: Key Issues


Controlling access to information on the Internet

    Controlling access to information on the internet means that there are different kinds of information that must be filtered out and may be offensive or inappropriate. The internet is has a wide variety of many things and it's free web so people are able to put whatever they want that includes drugs, violence, drugs, etc. The role of filtering out those are important in order to not be seen by the majority of people as it is most of the time hard to keep check on deleting things with those content since each day there will be new things added to the internet. Without being being able to do that, even children would have access to all kinds of things.


The quality or state of being anonymous

Anonymity on the Internet has often made people nastier and more crude in their speech. It allows them to speak and do things without having to take responsibility. Anonymity allows people to unleash their id and all the ugliness they conceal beneath their polite facades.

By having anonymity on the internet, it is easier for people to hide their identities behind the screen and it allows them to be more open on their opinions without others knowing who they are. But because of anonymity it offers so much freedom that users resort to letting out their negative and horrible filled thoughts into comments that can bring hatred online. They feel that by having this they shall not be harmed and will not be called out with whatever they will say.


Defamation is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.

Defamation is the kind of method that you can use in order to create a misunderstanding by using false statements and claims that could damage one’s reputation. It is a crime to do so as it could do harm to a person’s life with such accusations that isn’t true. It is creating this elaborate scheme by using words that seem like an evidence for the truth but is not.

Hate Speech

Hate speech, speech or expression that denigrates a person or persons on the basis of (alleged) membership in a social group identified by attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical or mental disability, and others

The use of hate speech or could be called flaming or bashing is targeting a person and leaving nasty comments about them that involves degrading things as said above things like race, gender religion in order to emphasize hatred and this is a very problem that is widespread due to everyday activity. With the amount of time spent by people on social media as well as the fact that a lot of people mostly use social media is why it can’t be avoided that there are those that use this to put others at a disadvantage and for their own personal agenda. 


Books, magazines, movies, etc. with no artistic value that describe or show sexual acts or naked people in a way that is intended to be sexually exciting.

It is said that 30% of the content wrapping around the internet is pornography. That happens to be a huge percentage with the accounting of all information and data circulating the web. There is a research that says in a million popular website searches, sexual-related websites happens to have above 40,000. It is so widespread and was told to not be necessarily bad but when it comes to watching too much of pornography could lead to a lot of bad side effects such as sex addiction, effect on the mind and body, and lead to unrealistic sexual expectations in real life.


Cyberbullying is the kind of bullying that happens around the web or through devices like phones, computers, laptops. It's the means of using technology in order to harass a person on social media, texting, e-mail, gaming communities, etc. With technology and social media being open to anyone, this has became a daily issue that contributes badly in impacting someone's life and harm's someone's reputation. Because it is happening online it is hard for parents or teachers to detect such things because you can have private chats or forums. That's why all laws are requiring schools to respond to bullying as it gets worse day by day and that all countries should have an anti-cyberbullying law.

Software Piracy
Software piracy is another thing with today's modern technology that happens with day to day basis. It is the act of stealing software that is legally protected and distributing it out throughout the web as well as modifying the software. They are legally protected for the compensation of those that worked on the software and through software piracy, you have revoked those. Although you think that get something for free there are consequences that revolve around software piracy:
  • Increased chances that the software will malfunction or fail
  • Forfeited access to support for the program such as training, upgrades, customer support and bug fixes
  • No warranty and the software can’t be updated
  • Increased risk of infecting your PC with malware, viruses or adware
  • Slowed down PC
  • Legal repercussions due to copyright infringement

Plagiarism is the act of stealing the work of others or presenting one's work as their own. And this are doing it without the consent of the one who originally made it. It is intellectual dishonesty and should not be practiced and should be known by everyone. You did not go through a good learning process because you're trying to find an easy way or shortcut and discrediting someone else as you do so. Plagiarism should not be practiced because it's an immoral thing to do as well as it will you give your serious consequences in the long run regarding your future, reputation, career, etc. 

Covid-19 is an infectious respiratory disease that is happening right now around the globe. Formerly, the disease was called '2019  novel coronavirus or '2019-nCoV' It is transmitted person to person through droplets and saliva caused by coughing or sneezing. Its most common symptoms are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Right now, this disease is affecting the world and giving people a hard time in life especially those with the disease. For those that have don't have it though they are losing jobs, in isolation in order to not catch the disease, students are to take online classes instead. That is why in order to lessen the spread of the disease and to get back our daily lives, people must follow the rules and wear masks when going out and stay healthy and hygienic in order to to prevent catching it.


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